Sace Srl
Via Cartiera, 154 -40037
Borgonuovo di Sasso Marconi (BO)
P.iva 01698441209 REA BO-364057
Cap. soc. 100.000,00€
Fax: +39 051 6781150
Need more info?
Via Cartiera, 154 -40037
Borgonuovo di Sasso Marconi (BO)
P.iva 01698441209 REA BO-364057
Cap. soc. 100.000,00€
Danfoss ex Turolla designs and manufactures fan drive systems and components for motors, helping the customer to improve the performance and efficiency of the related machinery.
Turolla offers a wide range of components to meet the customers’ needs, from agricultural and building machinery to cleaning machines, road building and goods handling machines.
Sace is an authorised Danfoss dealer and repairer. At Sace you can find the best response to your needs.